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Exponential Reward

EXPONENTIAL REWARD I want to start out with a question.... What if you knew THEN what you know NOW? If you knew 1980...all in at Apple...

Right Place Right Time

I don't know if you've ever been in one of those places where you just found yourself in a place that you never expected to be. I have...


This morning I want to talk to those you who feel like you’re settling in life. Maybe at one time you believe that God was going to...


How many know a hypocrite? Anyone sitting by one? I’m sure you know #1 complaint from non-Christians about Xians—Hypocrites! We Talked...


In life we will encounter two types of people: Life-Giving people: Encourage, Inspire, Strengthen, Lift. Relational Vampires: Suck life...


So we are continuing today with this series called Relational Vampires. Last week we talked about Controlling people. In the next couple...

Relational Vampires: Controlling People

Today we're beginning a brand new message series that I believe has the potential to speak to you in a massive way. We're gonna talk...

What Would Jesus Undo - Spiritual Pride

Recap Series Briefly- What Would Jesus Undo- Indifference, Hollow Worship, Hypocrisy- Today- Spiritual Pride- Next Week- Relational...


I’m so glad you are with us for this third week of What Would Jesus Undo? We spent the first two weeks talking about indifference and...

Hollow Worship

So I know many of you order things online. It's become such a nice convenient way to do things. A few years ago I had ordered a book. To...


Throughout modern Christian history we have been blessed with many authors and publishers who have helped us to understand all that we...

Different Perspective in Persecution

Welcome! Today we are in part four of a message series called Different if you're just joining us. We're actually looking at high points...


Welcome to the Third week of this series called Different. We have been looking at what Peter has been writing to the persecuted...

Different Values in an Unholy Culture

We are in part two of a message series in the book of 1 Peter. Peter is writing to persecuted Christians in Rome trying to give them hope...

Different Faith In Trials

Today we begin a new series called Different. It is going to be based on the book of 1 Peter. Today we are specifically looking faith in...

Jonah's Anger

Jonah was called by God to go to Ninevah, he didn’t really want to. He tried to run away from God, but ended up in the belly of a whale....

Jonah Obeys

We are in the third week of a series called “Jonah”, as we’re studying through the book of Jonah. Just to recap… Jonah was a prophet....

Jonah's Prayer

Jonah was a prophet on the run, and he was a prayer-less prophet. He had stopped praying, much like a lot of people who call themselves...

Jonah in Us

How many of you basically know the story of Jonah? A lot of people do, the story of a guy who doesn’t do what God wants him to do. God...

Found Favor

We've been talking about finding favor and sometimes the best way to increase God's favor in your life, is to increase your awareness of...

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